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Investing Blog Roundup: I Bond Interest Confusion

A reader wrote in, wanting to share this experience in case it’s helpful to anybody else who has recently purchased I Bonds for the first time.

“I purchased $10K worth of I-Bonds for the first time in 2022, specifically on July 1st, when the annualized interest rate was 9.62%. Funds left my bank account on that same day, July 1st. Fast forward to mid-January; using straight-line logic, I’m expecting to see $481 posted into the account, perhaps a few bucks less, but only associated with timing issues. I didn’t expect to see only $236 posted (???) Could not work the math, any which way.

Called the Treasury Department, waited almost two hours on hold before talking to a human being. The Rep was fabulous to deal with – polite, professional, and knowledgeable – but the two hours on hold was brutal. He assured me that I HAD earned the full interest, but shared with me that Treasury does not actually post the interest accrued into the account, even if only for viewing purposes, due to the ‘3 month penalty’ rule for holding the security for less than 5 years. According to the Rep, this is on a rolling calendar basis and the most current 3 months of interest will NEVER show in the account, until the ‘held for 5 years’ criteria is met. The owner will never see the full interest accrual until year 5.”

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